Sorry everyone, for dropping off the face of the earth for several weeks. My only excuse is that I was a completely miserable person to be around and I didn’t want to inflict that on anyone I didn’t have to.
Plus, my life has been EXTREMLY boring and I didn’t really have anything of interest to write about. However, I was reading Glamour at breakfast this morning and there was an article on some advice that dating coaches give. First of all. Dating coaches? Yes, I really do need one since I am the most socially awkward person ever, and probably will scare off 99% of people I ever meet. However, would I really pay someone over $500 an hour to tell me that I am awkward? No. I have been awkward for my whole life. I don’t really know what to do about this. I do have my funny moments and I am kind of fun to be around…but talking…to boys? Not so good. Probably comes from spending 7 years of my life in an all girls catholic school. However, I have managed to snag a (ex)boyfriend and many random college hookups. I have hope. Kind of. Maybe I will find my awkward soul mate. And the freckles in our eyes will align (I love that line). But anyway, I’m sure I will probably be signing up in a year or two. But for now, I can scoff at the idea of paying someone practically more than I make in a week.
Regardless, I will read their advice when it appears for free in Glamour. And one kernel of advice that was offered was to be positive. They were talking about dating profiles, but I am going to apply this advice to my whole life. I turned 24 last weekend (happy birthday me!) and my cousin and I decided that 24 is going to be an awesome year. So. Positive thinking people!
In light of this…
--I got a new pair of shoes this weekend. They are white Jessica Simpson wedges (I am not good at describing shoes but they are cute take my word for it). Yay!
--The weather is finally shaping up into something resembling spring and I didn’t have to wear my huge wool coat this morning.
--There was an awesome(ly awkward—probably why I liked it) new episode of the Office on Thursday, plus I got to watch some DVDed episodes this weekend, including the one where they make bets on how long Kelly can talk about Netflix for, which I love
--I am going to eat my lunch outside in the park (might be jumping the gun on the warm weather thing a little bit, but that’s ok)
In some not so positive, but just need to vent anyway news…
--Why don’t people in my office realize that they are no longer in high school, but actually are adults in their mid-thirties that need to act slightly more mature than their 15 year old daughters
--Why can’t I get over my ex-bf? Why do I miss him? Arg…
Anyway, my new motto…positive thinking (because if you think negatively than cute boys won’t read your online dating profile!) Woohoo!
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