Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it

so yesterday was a pretty big day in the NYC. between the giants parade and the super tuesday primaries, the streets were packed with excited fans (both political and sports). between the blue shirts of the giants fans and the blue signs of the different candidates,it was tough manuvering during the morning commute.

and sadly, in between the blue were people like me trudging to yet another day at the office. several people left at lunchtime to go see the parade, and several more were late so that they could get their vote in. sadly, i am not hard core enough in my football fan status to justify shoving my way through crowds two blocks deep for a glimpse of eli manning (although that was a pretty amazing play). and you know that if i notice that a play is sweet it must have been pretty freaking awesome, what with my limited knowledge of football and all.

and also, new york is nice enough to give up till 9 pm to get our votes in, so i didn't even have that excuse to skip out on work. and that goodness they do give us that long, because i needed every last second of available time to make up my mind. i mean really, it was a down to the wire decision. neither candidate really inspired me. and i know that obama has been inspiring my age group left and right all over the country, but i really just don't feel it. i don't know. tough decision. and walking away from the polling booth, i still wasn't sure if i had made the right one. either way, clinton pretty much had new york tied up, so would my vote have really mattered?

i think a obama/clinton or clinton/obama ticket is really one that a lot of people will go for, and i think that it could really be effective and get a lot of interesting and important things done for this country, but neither candidate seemed too thrilled with the idea when it was raised in the last debate. it would be an interesting power struggle, that's for sure.

i will be keeping a close eye on these upcoming primaries.

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