Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm back!

Sorry everyone, for dropping off the face of the earth for several weeks. My only excuse is that I was a completely miserable person to be around and I didn’t want to inflict that on anyone I didn’t have to.

Plus, my life has been EXTREMLY boring and I didn’t really have anything of interest to write about. However, I was reading Glamour at breakfast this morning and there was an article on some advice that dating coaches give. First of all. Dating coaches? Yes, I really do need one since I am the most socially awkward person ever, and probably will scare off 99% of people I ever meet. However, would I really pay someone over $500 an hour to tell me that I am awkward? No. I have been awkward for my whole life. I don’t really know what to do about this. I do have my funny moments and I am kind of fun to be around…but talking…to boys? Not so good. Probably comes from spending 7 years of my life in an all girls catholic school. However, I have managed to snag a (ex)boyfriend and many random college hookups. I have hope. Kind of. Maybe I will find my awkward soul mate. And the freckles in our eyes will align (I love that line). But anyway, I’m sure I will probably be signing up in a year or two. But for now, I can scoff at the idea of paying someone practically more than I make in a week.

Regardless, I will read their advice when it appears for free in Glamour. And one kernel of advice that was offered was to be positive. They were talking about dating profiles, but I am going to apply this advice to my whole life. I turned 24 last weekend (happy birthday me!) and my cousin and I decided that 24 is going to be an awesome year. So. Positive thinking people!

In light of this…

--I got a new pair of shoes this weekend. They are white Jessica Simpson wedges (I am not good at describing shoes but they are cute take my word for it). Yay!

--The weather is finally shaping up into something resembling spring and I didn’t have to wear my huge wool coat this morning.

--There was an awesome(ly awkward—probably why I liked it) new episode of the Office on Thursday, plus I got to watch some DVDed episodes this weekend, including the one where they make bets on how long Kelly can talk about Netflix for, which I love

--I am going to eat my lunch outside in the park (might be jumping the gun on the warm weather thing a little bit, but that’s ok)

In some not so positive, but just need to vent anyway news…

--Why don’t people in my office realize that they are no longer in high school, but actually are adults in their mid-thirties that need to act slightly more mature than their 15 year old daughters

--Why can’t I get over my ex-bf? Why do I miss him? Arg…

Anyway, my new motto…positive thinking (because if you think negatively than cute boys won’t read your online dating profile!) Woohoo!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The weirdest people work with me part 2

The mail man at my job is the creppiest person ever. I know that sounds really mean. But he is. He is about 70 years old, balding, with like 3 strands of hair left that he combs over the top. He wears the same outfit for each day of the week—he has a Monday outfit, a Tuesday outfit, and on and on.

Now I can hear you saying, well, just because he only has 5 outfits and bad hair, that doesn’t mean he’s creepy. He’s just old. And lonely. With poor fashion sense. Oh don’t worry, I have made all of these arguments in my head. I have tried to be nice. And patient. And feel sorry because he is old and should be playing with grandchildren instead of fixing the photocopier and delivering my mail.

Well. In addition to all of the above he is a LURKER. A quiet, sneaky lurker. I will be typing and I will turn my head and he will just be in my doorway. Creepy. How long have you been standing there Fred? (yes, his name really is Fred. Of course) And he nicknames people and mutters their nicknames under their breath as he lurkes in their office doorway. And if you smile kindly and say “Hi Fred, thanks for dropping this off” he looks taken aback and slowly backs out of my doorway muttering all of the ways he has abbreviated my name under his breath. I don’t like it.

And he makes every interaction you have with him super awkward. You could just be walking past him in the hall and smile and say “Hi Fred” and he will jump to the other side of the hall and mutter something about not getting in the way.

Dude. It’s a big hall. Two people can fit in it. Happens all the time.

Anyway. I dread interactions with him. I walk away feeling so awkward and terrible. I feel like a really mean person, even as I’m writing this. But I try to be nice in person!! I just had to get it out.

Hi I’m Tilda. And the mailman? He freaks me out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please pick someone! Anyone?

So I don’t want to make this blog all political, but since we are constantly inundated with news from the presidential election (slightly overshadowed, for the minute, by Eliot Spitzer, but sure to be back on track soon) it is hardly something I can avoid.

BTW, Eliot Spitzer? Way to go.

The presidential election is making me want to move to another country. I am SO sick of it, but I can’t stop paying attention, for fear that I might miss something important (like Hillary Clinton on SNL). This has been going on forever. I feel like, by the time the actual election rolls around, people will just be ready to throw up their hands and say “I don’t care just please fill our newspapers with something else!”.

And while I am a lifelong Democrat, I cannot help but be sort of embarrassed by the back and forth snipping by my party. If there is anytime the Democrats can stage a takeover, one would have thought that the time was now, but I feel that we are throwing away our chance by dragging this election out for months. The two candidates are both strong potential leaders, and both have their strengths and weaknesses. I am not going to go into which one I support, because, for me at least, the most important issue is moving on from these eight years of Bush presidency. At this point, neither candidate is going to have enough delegate votes to win the nomination. However, instead of trying to do what is best for the COUNTRY they are both solely interested in dragging out this primary season for as long as humanly possible. I thought that the point of moving so many primaries up was to speed up the nomination process, not drag it out over a period of decades months.

I am sorry. I am usually all for the election process, and supportive of my party. But I am starting to get frustrated. Both candidates are looking worse and worse to me because I am so sick of seeing their faces over everything. Obama can’t sneeze without Clinton flipping out about it and it is driving me crazy. Just pick someone!!

The longer we take to pick someone, the more organized the Republican party looks. Instead, our process is entrenching people even further into their Obama/Clinton divide. Whichever person actually gets the nomination is going to have such a hard time swinging their own votes to their side that they will barely have time to run against the Republican. Which is bad news. We need a candidate. One that will unify. The more down and dirty this election gets the harder it will be for die hard Clinton supporters to get out there and rock the vote for Obama, or vice versa.

We need one candidate. And we need them soon.

Apologies for this long political rant. I am just frustrated that our party seems to be throwing away a golden opportunity

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Ok so the whole cat in the ceiling thing is getting a little out of control. Now, I am NOT a cat person. So when someone suggested I open the ceiling above my bookcase “in case the cat is scared to jump all the way to the desk” I was not having any of it. I would not be happy if a cat came flying out of the ceiling toward my desk OR my bookcase. A. already has the ceiling open above her desk; can’t she open the part above her bookcase as well? That way the cat can have options. And when cats are stuck in ceilings, options are very important. I would much rather watch the flying cat from one office over.

And omg, if I had known that a cat in the ceiling would cause this much drama, maybe A. and I would have kept it to ourselves. Our offices are like a freak show. I am getting no work done. Everyone from the PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY on down has stopped by to stick their heads in the hole in the ceiling and make cat noises. Well if it didn’t come at the first cat noise it definitely isn’t going to come for you, no matter how much your cat at home loves when you make that noise. One of our scariest editors is apparently a HUGE cat fan, and bought in toys and treats and gross smelly cat food. If this lady was as nice to her assistants as she is (apparently) to cats, everyone at my job would be a whole lot happier.

People are expecting hourly emails keeping the apprised of the cat situation. Did you hear it? Was it loud? Do you think its scared? Is it stuck? Really, I’d just like to get some contracts sent out. Thanks. Apparently it is now okay to shout out from your office if you think you heard the cat. I HEARD A MEOW. DID ANYONE ELSE HEAR THAT? Wowzers. The cat is never going to get out of the ceiling because he is terrified of all of you people.

How do you get a cat out of a ceiling? Because it definitely isn’t coming down for any of the weirdos that I work with.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I just wanted to go home!

So this happened yesterday:

Which was awesome. And of course, it had to collapse right before the nighttime commute. Luckily, no one was hurt. But omg, getting home was a complete nightmare. They were only running limited trains, so they would combine three or four trains onto one. And these are trains that are usually jammed packed to begin with.

Every available spot was taken. I have never stood so close to people that I did not know before. I have been on rush hour subways that were less crowded than this train. I think my elbow was in some man’s ribs (sorry sir!) for the majority of the ride home.

And my nice little 20 minute train ride? Yea. Hello 2 and a half hours later. The trains INCHED our of grand central. I probably could have pushed the train faster than it was moving. I guess the fear was that the rumble of the trains would cause more of the building to collapse (on the tracks!!) so the only other alternative was to run one train on the track furthest away at turtle like speed.

Thank you, metro north, for ensuring that I didn’t get crushed by falling building! But for a rainy Tuesday night, this was not fun. Why can’t this stuff happen in the morning, so I can be late GOING to work, not coming home.

Oh, and there is a cat stuck in the ceiling above my office. Good times.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Can I do this?

So now that the weather is finally starting to not be freezing cold winter, I am going to *try* to start running in the mornings before work again. I really need to do something to get into shape again, because I have been feeling pretty crappy about my body lately.

I do go to the gym after work 3 or 4 times a week, but I really don’t feel like it is doing that much for me. Since I started going (last September) I have noticed some changes, but I would really like more. The problem is that I picked the gym for convenience, not for its awesome facilities. The gym is right at my train stop, so I can get off the train on my way home from work and just go. I seem to have problems getting myself motivated to leave the house again if I go home first.

And it has been working out pretty well—I get there on a fairly regular basis, and I work out for about 45 minutes. But the equipment that they have at the gym isn’t that fantastic. I try to get some circuit training in, but they don’t have any classes or anything to supplement my own workouts. Also, I am the youngest person there by oh, about, 20 years. It is an all women’s gym, which I like. I got a complex in college that guys in the gym were all staring at me, comparing me to the super skinny girls next to me. I would show up in a tee shirt and some old shorts and run on the treadmill, getting all sweaty and gross in the process. And these other girls would show up in some perfectly coordinated outfit, talk on their cell phones while walking on the treadmill, and never break a sweat. So yes, compared to them I probably looked pretty disgusting. EXCUSE ME FOR USING THE GYM FOR ITS PROPER PURPOSE.

Anyway. I like the fact that its all women. Everyone shows up kind of grungy looking because there are no guys to impress. So I can sweat away!

But I really need something to supplement my sad little gym workouts. So I decided that running in the mornings before work is it. I woke up yesterday and today about an hour earlier than I usually do (not to terrible). We will see how it goes. In high school I was a dedicated three-seasoner of track from 7th grade until my senior year and I was in great pretty good shape. I would really like to get that back. Good luck me! (I'll keep you posted on how long this enthusiasm on waking up an hour earlier in the morning lasts)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Office Drinking

So on Friday I went out with a bunch of people from work. It was a lot of fun, and I’m really glad that I went. Because everyone in my office has such different tasks, it is hard to find time to interact during the day, and you don’t really get to know people that well. One of the other EAs organized everyone to go out for drinks. Everyone kind of went with the mentality that if it was terrible, they could just bail after one drink.

However, everyone ended up having an awesome time, and hanging out for a while. We all agreed that we have to make it, if not a weekly, then definitely a semi-monthly thing. Which will be cool, because it seems like a lot of the people I work with could be a lot of fun.

BUT. One kid got a little too drunk for the first office drinking function. E. and I were talking about how we need to find some people to date, and he was like “well, what’s the matter with dating someone from the office” wink, wink, inappropriate placement of arm around waist. Eek. He is nice enough, but really. That was the first time we have ever hung out. And while I am all for random making out in bars (obviously) I am not so much for random making out with SOMEONE YOU WORK WITH. That is not cool. And has the potential to be pretty awkward.

So I just kind of laughed it off, but still, a little weird. And once everyone started going off their own way, M. and I were going to get something to eat. We had not planned for food in the outing, which could have contributed to the general drunken feeling. And this boy was like “oh, I’m hungry, I’ll come”. And we couldn’t really say no. That would be mean. And while he was drunk, he is still a nice kid. And we do have to work with him.

So M. and I and the boy went off, and omg. He was being a little touchy and wayyyy drunk. And he started telling us about how he hates his roommate, and doesn’t have that many friends. And yes, I felt bad, because I know its hard to make friends. But getting drunk and creeping people out doesn’t really make them want to be friends with you. And then we decided to call it a night, even though he kept trying to get us to go out more with him. So then! He told us that he was just going to go drink alone. Oh boy. Not good.

So I eventually make it home, and around 2:30 (yup, that would be a.m.) my phone rings. And its him. I did not answer. I did text M. to see if she had gotten a phone call (she had not).

Oh my goodness. And I just passed him in the hallway, hence the reason for this post.

And my bosses are both gone all week. Expect many posts.

I need a new job

I want to preface this post by saying that I really like my job. The people I work with are awesome, and I have some really good friends there. The company is cool, and it is a nice easy commute for me. My two bosses are awesome, and really open. I am getting a lot of good experience and meeting new people.

However. The job is SO boring. omg. Basically (and yes, I realize that this makes me sound really self-confident, which I usually am not) I am a little too smart for the job. I find myself forcing myself to slow down at the different things that I do so that I will have enough work to last me the week. If I actually sat down and did the work at my normal pace I would be able to leave work every day at lunchtime.

I have talked to one of my bosses about this. He really likes me, and thinks that I do good work (He has told me this, it is not just wishful thinking on my part). He has, since our talk, been trying to pass more work my way, but there is really only so much stuff he can give me to do. And even the work that he gives me does not give me much of a challenge. I would like to have a job that makes me think a little more than I have to now. I want to be kept busy, and be challenged by the work that is keeping me busy.

Also, the job doesn’t pay that well. I would like to move out of my parent’s house sometime soon (yes, I’m only 23, so I know I have time, but still). My current job makes that hard to do, especially given the cost of living here in the NYC.

I have also been thinking about moving away from NY. As much as I love it, having grown up here, sometimes I think that it would be nice to live in a smaller town. (As a shameless fan of Gilmore Girls, for a while in high school Stars Hallow was my dream town). After working for a while, I don’t know if I could go as small as Stars Hallow, but a change of scene would be nice. It would also force me to meet new people and broaden my dating horizons. My family has another house upstate in NY, close to Vermont. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live there.

I am also thinking that it would be nice to get out of publishing. However, I am terribly indecisive, and I don't know too much about other career paths. As I look at the advancement paths in my industry, there is nothing that seems like it is something I would want to make a "career" out of. Anyone have any suggestions??

Apologies for the terribly long post, but this is just something that has been on my mind. So if anyone knows of jobs for sociology/English majors with sociological research experience and editorial skills who is looking for a change of career, let me know!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The weather outside is frightful...

Remember my last post on the beautiful weather we WERE having? Yes, well forget that.

My office is FREEZING. I have on 2 shirts and a sweater right now, in addition to my scarf. I would be tempted to pull my gloves out of my coat and stick those puppies on as well if it wouldn’t make it impossible to type. I mean, I understand that it is cold out. Yes, it might snow. Yes, it is windy. My office is in the middle of the building. No where near a window. But there is a icy wind breeze coming from somewhere. Where? Does our building have a hole? If so, I would think that would be something that we should get fixed. ASAP.

It is really hard to work when your fingers feel like they have frostbite. I don’t understand. Would it kill someone to put some heat on? Please??

In other weather related news, someone felt the need to open up the window on my train car this morning. Really? Was it really so stifling on the train that you needed to feel the freezing cold air as we chugged along at 100 mph? I think not.

So I might be slightly grumpy because I no longer have feeling in my toes or my nose, but really people. It is mid-February. A little heat goes a long way.

Maybe I will post about something more interesting that the temperature later, but for now this is all I can think about. Sorry.

Monday, February 18, 2008

That's my funday, my I don't have to run day

No work today! Before I had a full time job I never fully appreciated the concept of a three day weekend. In my week long winter and Christmas and spring breaks I scoffed at the people who were excited over the prospect of a "long weekend". Well, let me tell you, after a year of working at the same job every day a three day weekend is pretty much on par with Christmas in my world.

The knowlegde that I don't have to get up on Monday morning and head to work is wonderful. I went out last night and didn't have to worry about how I was going to stay awake at work today. I am so excited. In case you couldn't tell.

And the weather is fitting in perfectly with my day off. For some reason, its 60 degrees and sunny. What's up with that new york? But hey, I'm not going to complain. Maybe I'll go shopping.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I even fell for that stupid love song

Ok so last night I called him.

I couldn’t help it. Ah! It was valentine’s day eve and I was facing a very lonely valentine’s day, and I just wanted to know what happened!!

Why did he just decide to stop talking to me? I can’t just leave this hanging for the rest of my life!! And as he was obviously NOT going to call me I took it upon myself to stalk call him.

And yea, it did not go well. I feel like we all could have predicted THAT. Basically he said that I didn’t understand, it wasn’t just “one thing I did” there is a whole lot of stuff that we really should talk about. But he just doesn’t have time to. So could I leave him alone, he is very busy.

AWESOME. Way to make yourself a total pathetic loser there tilda.

So anyway, I at least have my shield of hurt confused anger back in place that will hopefully keep me away from the phone for a couple of weeks.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

Although C. and B. did give me some candy at work today. I love them!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?

One of my best friends from high school is in the Peace Corps in Africa. Her two years is almost up, and I am really happy about that. I miss her a lot. Even though we went to college in different states, we still saw each other every time we were home on break. Our friendship is nice, because even though we would not see each other for months at a time, we could pick right up where we left off when we finally did see each other.

Keeping in touch while she was gone was pretty hard. She did not have regular access to email, maybe a couple of times a year, and the mail service is very slow. It was kind of hard for us to keep each other updated on our lives through letters anyway, because by the time we finally received them, what we were writing about was about a month old.

However, I randomly signed on to aim for the first time in a while last night and SHE WAS ONLINE. I was so excited! Apparently someone in the village in which she is living has the internet now, and she was able to use it. It was amazing to talk to her. We were able to fill each other in on our lives so much better, and we could catch each other up on everything.

We talked for a couple of hours, and it was great. I have been feeling down about a lot of stuff lately, but this really helped make me feel better.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

turn around and walk away...pretending I don't love you

This is so hard. A thousand times a day my hand goes to my phone to see if he has called. A thousand times I bring his number up in my phone forcing myself not to hit send, just staring at his number. A thousand times I check my email to see if there is anything from him.

I know this is the right thing to do. It is right for me. He hasn't gotten in touch with me. I feel like I am always the one to smooth things over and fix what's wrong. I need to be strong. If I matter to him, he would have made some attempt to get in touch with me. If he wanted this, he would have given me a sign. Running after him would only make me disappointed in myself.

This is so hard. But I miss him so much.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Last night, I met a guy on the dance floor and I let him call me baby

ok, so can I preface this post by saying, yes, I know it makes me sound slightly slutty, but whatever. I'm not. So it's okay.

I am SO sick. I hate being sick. And I hate being sick when (if I had just had a little common sense) I could have just prevented it.

I was out on saturday night, and a combination of events lead me to make out with this random boy in a bar. On the dance floor. In front of the several hundred people in the bar with me. Yup, we made out, then he turned to say something to his friend and I walked away.

Yes, never really a classy move. Especially when you have a) never met before and b) have no idea what his name is. But more importantly c) when he is a slobbery (ew!) kisser and gives you the worst freaking cold ever.

Boy-in-bar-in-philly I HATE YOU!! This was not the week when I needed a cold. I don't have enough stress in my life sheesh. And I could feel it lurking ever since his slobbery kiss, getting a little worse each day, until today. Bam. Friday. Runny nose, sore throat, headache. Yuck.

I am so mad.

So I was upset that Billy and I had passed the three week mark in no communication and apparenly our relationship was over. Would a little closure be too much to ask for? Apparently. And I knew I was going out with my friends, and I made a determined effort to have fun that night. I didn't take my phone out (drunken calls/texts are even more terrible of an idea than random make outs). I put Billy out of my head. I didn't want to be the drunk girl messily crying over some boy. So apparently my brain translated this into me becoming the drunk girl randomly making out with some boy on the dance floor. And also, all of my friends have fairly steady boyfriends, and yes, I am slightly jealous of their normal, drama free relationships. And a little upset that I no longer have someone to go home to. But is that any reason to go searching for the one germy boy in the room?? (and I'm not saying he looked germy, I do have some standards--he at least appeared to be showered).

All I'm saying--the next time I go out drinking, send me out with some airborne to ward off any slobbery mystery kissers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Well maybe nothin' lasts forever even when you stay together

So I guess the time has come to bring up Billy. Ohhhh Billy. He is the never ending relationship. Our "thing" has been going on on and off since our sophomore year of college. and still, no resolution in sight. i have tried to walk away more times that i can count.

but, big tilda secret here, i am secretly terrified of being alone for the rest of my life. my family is pretty much the most important thing to me, and one day having my own family has always been important to me. Billy was the first guy that I ever dated, and really is the only guy that I have ever dated. Not to sound slutty or anything, but I have hooked up with lots of other guys, but none that I was really in a relationship with. So part of me is really terrified that if I walk away for good that will be it.

And yes, I know in my head that that is ridiculous, but I don't know. I can't explain it. It just is.

So anyway, last summer we broke up for good. He sent me this really mean email to my work (email!! after 4 years??) basically just saying how he never really was sure if he loved me etc. At work? How rude is that. So anyway, I tried really hard to stay away. And anytime I felt like wavering I would re-read the email and all of my hurt and anger would come back. But then after about 2 months he started calling me in the middle of the night and all this stuff.

And so, of course, we began talking again. I am weak, what can I say? But I really just was trying to be friends with him. I really didn't want to be in a relationship again. however, while I wasn't in a relationship with him, I couldn't move past him either, and by christmas time we had drifted back to where we were. and nothing had changed. and there were a lot of problems but those are another post.

so anyway, a couple of weeks ago we were talking on the phone, and we got into an argument. about something! I don't even remember what it was cause I (clearly) didn't think it was that important!! But, apparently he did. And so he hung up on me. And so now we have not spoken for three weeks. 3 weeks!!! He hung up on me? So he should be the one to call? am i right??

So anyway, after two weeks of nothing, I basically came to the executive decision that the relationship was over? Was this the right decision? Who knows. But it felt right to me, and I'm trying to stick to it. But its so hard!!! oh my god. i am trying to take it one day at a time. And I think its the right thing to do, but I just want some closure. is that too much to ask??

We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it

so yesterday was a pretty big day in the NYC. between the giants parade and the super tuesday primaries, the streets were packed with excited fans (both political and sports). between the blue shirts of the giants fans and the blue signs of the different candidates,it was tough manuvering during the morning commute.

and sadly, in between the blue were people like me trudging to yet another day at the office. several people left at lunchtime to go see the parade, and several more were late so that they could get their vote in. sadly, i am not hard core enough in my football fan status to justify shoving my way through crowds two blocks deep for a glimpse of eli manning (although that was a pretty amazing play). and you know that if i notice that a play is sweet it must have been pretty freaking awesome, what with my limited knowledge of football and all.

and also, new york is nice enough to give up till 9 pm to get our votes in, so i didn't even have that excuse to skip out on work. and that goodness they do give us that long, because i needed every last second of available time to make up my mind. i mean really, it was a down to the wire decision. neither candidate really inspired me. and i know that obama has been inspiring my age group left and right all over the country, but i really just don't feel it. i don't know. tough decision. and walking away from the polling booth, i still wasn't sure if i had made the right one. either way, clinton pretty much had new york tied up, so would my vote have really mattered?

i think a obama/clinton or clinton/obama ticket is really one that a lot of people will go for, and i think that it could really be effective and get a lot of interesting and important things done for this country, but neither candidate seemed too thrilled with the idea when it was raised in the last debate. it would be an interesting power struggle, that's for sure.

i will be keeping a close eye on these upcoming primaries.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives

So I have some plans this weekend to go down to the city where I went to college and hang out with some friends. The only thing I wanted after graduation was to get away from the city as fast as possible, but, ironically, out of the group of 12 girls, 9 of them ended up staying in said city. So, since the majority rules, if I want to see this girls, I have to return. Which makes me slightly bitter. But thats a blog for a whole other day.

So anyway, whenever I have plans to go down, I have mixed feelings. While I feel happy and excited to be seeing these girls, there is always the knowledge lurking that things will never be as fun as they were in college.

It's also vaguely awkward because these girls all live close to each other and I am not able to get down there to see them as much as I would like, so I always feel a little out of the loop. But that could just be my weird need to make everything more uncomfortable than it actually is. Maybe they don't actually see each other as often as I imagine that they do in my head?

We are also all a lot different from how we were in college. I find it very different to be friends with someone when you live with them and can drop by their room whenever you like than it is when you are all working or in a grad program, living in different cities, and don't really have time to see each other that often. I don't know about you, but I am not really a phone person. I have a really hard time "chatting" on the phone. Which is probably why my long distance relationship did not work out. So I rely mainly on email or on AIM, which both sort of fall by the wayside as my work gets more hectic. We all have the best of intentions, but its hard. But as soon as we are together again, its like we are back in our dorm, drinking bad decision punch out a communal bucket.

Try as we might, we only see each other a few times a year. And each time, I get so nervous in the days leading up to the visit. I don't know why. I was friends with these girls for 4 years. They aren't all of a sudden going to decide that they hate me. But the trip is this weekend, and under the nervousness I am really looking forward to it. We are going to go out, and be ridiculous, and it's going to be just what I need.

Old friends are the best friends, regardless of the nervous tummy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pop Up Video

so, back in the dark days before my family had cable (which, incidentally, did not occur until i was 22 years old) one of my favorite things was to stay home sick. because, if I stayed home sick, that really meant that i got to stay with my grandparents.

and they had cable.

more importantly, VH1 and pop up video.

does anyone else remember pop up video? they would take a music video or an awards show or something along those lines, and insert snarky comments in little pop up bubbles around the performer's head that gave you background on the song or the person.

well i was crushed when vh1 stopped doing pop up video.

but tonight, because there is a big fat NOTHING on the tv, i happened to stumble across the rerun of last season's finale of Lost. Lost with POP UP VIDEO. now I happen to like Lost, except for the fact that I am not a faithful watcher of TV. It is therefore a little hard to follow a show like Lost, because there is so much backstory that I can't keep up through my sporadic watching. well. pop up video is just as amazing now as it was about 15 years ago when i was watching it on my grandma's couch. there are little green pop up tabs at the bottom of the screen that fill me in on all of the backstory of all of the lost characters, just in time for tomorrow's season premiere. shameless technique to get more viewers during the writers strike? heck yea. most amazing way of updating me on a show i have always been interested in? heck yea.

my not so interesting night just got a little more exciting.